To capacitate tutors for CES learners in reading in the new normal and prepare them for the incoming school year; Cuneta Elementary School held the “Brigada Pagbasa: A Webinar for Reading Tutors in the New Normal” last August 20, 2021 at 1:30 PM via Google Meet. The said webinar was attended by the teachers, parents continue reading : CES READING TUTORS TRAINED

State of The School Head Address ( SOSA) for the SY 2020-2021
Cuneta Elementary School held a yearly State of the School Head Address (SOSA) for the school year (2020-2021) last August 19,2021 via Googlemeet. Parents, learners , teachers and stakeholders were present. This aims to address the achievements of the school amidst pandemic, the KPI indicators, enrollment, about school’s projects and involvement of the stakeholders for continue reading : State of The School Head Address ( SOSA) for the SY 2020-2021

With the theme: “Girls in Green making a difference in the new normal”, the GSP members, faculty, and staff of Cuneta Elementary School gathered via Google Meet to hold Girl Scout Day @ CES. This was held last June 17, 2021 at 10:00 AM until 11:00. To start the program, Ma. Zhein Jefziel Pereye. led continue reading : GIRL SCOUT DAY @ CES