Last January 26, 2021, Cuneta Elementary School conducted training for parents entitled “Teaching Basic Reading at Home.” This program wouldn’t be possible without the help of the stakeholders. Last January 26, 2021, Mrs. Ruby Jane Satosa (Teacher III) one of our focal persons for this program, received the donation from the JCI Perlas Pasay chapter continue reading : JCI Perlas Pasay Chapter donates Learning Materials for Teaching Basic Reading at Home Program

Livelihood Program – Project ZeDro
As Cuneta Elementary School’s Project Zero Drop-Out (ZeDro) continues, it’s intervention programs commenced. One of the interventions under this project is the Livelihood Program. Through the leadership of Mrs. Eufrocina Melody D. Cortez, Master Teacher I, and Mrs. MaryJoy M. Samarro, Teacher II, CES’ Livelihood Program persisted. This was made possible by the continuous support continue reading : Livelihood Program – Project ZeDro

“Teaching of Basic Reading at Home” – Project ZeDro
Cuneta Elementay School’s Project Zero Drop-Out (ZeDro) is recognized as one of the School’s Best Practices in the Division of Pasay City for two consecutive years. One of the interventions under this project is the Reading Intervention Program. Through this, a training entitled “Teaching of Basic Reading at Home” was formed. The said training was held on the 28th of January, 2021 through the organization of the focal persons of the said program, Mrs. Ruby Jane M. Satosa, Teacher III, and Mrs. Gemma A. Galan, Teacher III. This was made possible by the support of the school head, Genalin S. Ong and the school’s stakeholders: Brgy. Capt. Noel Javelosa, for the food, and JCI-Perlas Pasay, for the materials. Some of the school teachers also donated money in support of this. The training took place on the 28th of January, 2021 at 9:30 AM. Three classrooms were prepared for the said event and held 10 parent-attendees with a teacher and facilitator. Health and safety protocols imposed by the Local Government of Pasay and Inter Agency Task Force were strictly observed and implemented in the duration of the training. This training aims to help parents of struggling readers through giving them ideas on how they can help their children learn how to read. The teachers and facilitators who trained them taught them teaching strategies in reading and phonetics. After the training, a word of wisdom was shared by the Public Schools District Supervisor of Cluster 7, Dr. Norminah Hadji-Yunnos.