Microtel hotel staffs arrived on Cuneta Elementary School on the fifth day of Brigada Eskwela 2018 to donate learning kiosk. These kiosks were shaped into mini houses that would be a home to various learning materials. The objective of putting learning kiosk in every hallway of the school was to ensure accessibility of instructional materials continue reading : “Microtel Donates Learning Kiosk to CES for Brigada Eskwela ‘18” by Acrima S. Labay

“JCI Perlas Pasay and Manila Extended Trainings and Lakbay-Aral at CES During Brigada Eskwela 2018.” by Acrima S. Labay
Junior Chamber International Philippines Perlas Pasay has always been a strong support for Cuneta Elementary School for the entire school year of 2017-2018. As such, their mission to spread awareness for their latest project called Project Pen is met with enthusiasm and sincerity. On May 31, 2017, fourth day of the weeklong Brigada Eskwela, JCI continue reading : “JCI Perlas Pasay and Manila Extended Trainings and Lakbay-Aral at CES During Brigada Eskwela 2018.” by Acrima S. Labay

“RUCS Group of Companies Donates Materials to CES for Brigada Eskwela ‘18.” by Acrima S. Labay
On the third day of Brigada Eskwela 2018, RUCS Group of Companies visits Cuneta Elementary School to donate valued materials. These materials were comprised of school supplies that CES pupils could use for the opening of classes. Notebooks, pens, pencils and quiz pads were distributed among the attendees. Moreover, first aid kids were also handed continue reading : “RUCS Group of Companies Donates Materials to CES for Brigada Eskwela ‘18.” by Acrima S. Labay

“CES Conducts First Aid and Basic Life Support Amidst Brigada Eskwela 2018.” by Acrima S. Labay
“True public safety requires a collaboration between law enforcement and the community.” said Betsy Hodges. In today’s society where danger comes in all forms, it is important that pupils, parents and teachers alike learn First Aid and Basic Life Support. With this, Cuneta Elementary School held its first Red Cross Training on May 29, 2018 continue reading : “CES Conducts First Aid and Basic Life Support Amidst Brigada Eskwela 2018.” by Acrima S. Labay

“CES Kick-Off the Start of Brigada Eskwela 2018” by: Acrima S. Labay
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” said Hellen Keller. This much is true when it comes to the teamwork the community needs to sustain in order to build a conducive learning environment. In line with the DepEd Memorandum No. 066, s. 2018, Cuneta Elementary School held its Brigada continue reading : “CES Kick-Off the Start of Brigada Eskwela 2018” by: Acrima S. Labay